The objective of this policy statement is to attain and maintain high standards of health and safety performance throughout John Roberts Associates Ltd. All persons conducting activities under the name of John Roberts Associates Ltd will adhere to this Health & Safety Policy.

The company has identified and will meet or exceed relevant H&S legal (and other) requirements applicable to its activities, in particular the Health and Safety at Work etc.

Act 1974 and associated Regulations such as “The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999” and “The Equality Act 2010”

  • The Company is committed to continual improvement in H&S performance and to preventing injury, ill-health or dangerous occurrences, so far as is reasonably practicable, by
  • Demonstrating a visible management commitment to high standards of health and safety performance and the promotion of a positive health and safety culture throughout the Company
  • Providing and maintaining a safe working environment that is without risk to health, together with adequate facilities and arrangements for the welfare of employees
  • Providing and maintaining equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health
  • Providing and maintaining means of access to and egress from the workplace that are safe and without risk
  • Having in place adequate arrangements for the regular assessment of work activities in order to identify related hazards and to control associated risks
  • Having in place effective systems to protect employees and other persons affected by Company activities
  • Having in place adequate arrangements to ensure safe use, handling, storage and transportation of articles and substances;
  • Providing such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety of employees of the Company;
  • Setting and regularly reviewing objectives, targets and programmes to continually improve H&S performance throughout all areas of the Company.
  • Consulting with the workforce and other (including external) relevant parties on effective management of H&S during all work activities.
  • Regularly reviewing the H&S performance of the company with senior management to identify opportunities to improve

Wellbeing ;

JRA recognises mental health and wellbeing refers to how a person thinks, feels and manages their life experiences and any challenges, just as we all have physical health, we all have mental health too.

People who have good mental health and wellbeing find it easier to manage their emotions and behaviours. They are likely to be able to cope well with the day to day stresses of life and will be able to actively take part in their work activities Someone who is experiencing poor mental health and wellbeing may be unable to control negative or unwanted thoughts or feelings. This may have an impact on their ability to function effectively, which may hinder their participation and enjoyment of workplace activities

Some employees may feel they have a mental health problem or be experiencing poor wellbeing without having a specific medical diagnosis. This is where our awareness, understanding and ability to signpost to support services can be useful. There are many terms used to describe the illnesses and conditions that can cause a problem with a person’s mental health and wellbeing. We are using the term ‘mental health problem’ because we feel it encompasses a wide range of experiences. This is supported by feedback received by the mental health charity MIND that people prefer the word ‘problem’ rather than illness or condition.

Employees may recognise that they are experiencing problems with their own mental health and wellbeing. It may be advisable to follow some self-care advice, particularly for those colleagues who are responsible for managing several things to help maintain positive mental health within the workplace 

Additionally and more recently the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and social distancing measures are placing a number of additional pressures on colleague’s mental health and wellbeing. They may be experiencing increased feelings of anxiety, low mood or loneliness and some will need additional support at this time.

For further information please contact the Managing Director